Meteor rattles Hawke's Bay 1.00pm Tuesday August 29, 2006 A meteor lit up the Hawke's Bay sky last night and burned up with a boom that rattled windows. "It was like an earthquake, but without the shaking," said one Akina woman. New Zealand Herald - National News
Showing posts from August, 2006
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Errant comet or meteor could ruin our plans I f you are tired of thinking about global warming, terrorist attacks or contracting a deadly new virus, maybe you could get out of your rut by mulling over the possibility that some large celestial body may be on a collision course with our planet. Although total planetary destruction is still total planetary destruction, death by comet might be preferable to death by meteor.
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News : "FIRE IN THE SKY It was a phenomenon in Lakeway, Texas, not far from Austin Tuesday night. A bright light that bolted across the sky Tuesday night was caught on tape by a police cruiser dashcam. The streak caught the attention of hundreds of residents who called police and the local media to see what was going on. An amateur astronomer said it was a meteor fireball and not space junk re-entering the Earth`s atmosphere. However, a website that tacks orbiting space junk shows a Russian rocket booster passing over Central Texas at nearly the same time."